Based on Government advice:-
If any of our members have symptoms of coronavirus infection (COVID-19), however mild, they must stay at home and do not leave the house for 7 days from when their symptoms started.
The most common symptoms are recent onset of:
New continuous cough and/or
High temperature
For most people Coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild infection.
Under no circumstances should members attend The Odell Centre if they show any of the above signs. Please also ensure that we are contacted as soon as possible to let us know.
Transport Providers, if you suspect a member is showing signs of the systems described above then UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER should you bring that person to The Odell Centre.
The Odell Trust would like to assure you that we are doing all they can to ensure that members, staff and visitors to The Odell Centre are protected as much as possible. The already strict hygiene and cleaning procedures have been increased and extra discussion and healthy living sessions have been added to the timetable for our members to discuss the Coronavirus and the importance of washing hands and using hand gel.
It is the aim of The Odell Trust to remain open until/if we are asked to close by Worcestershire County Council or it is deemed unsafe to do so, i.e. staff shortages.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Craig Darby
The Odell Centre